Kingdom Culture-Blessings of Life


From Malaysia : Thank you Apostle for Kingdom Culture, it’s so so good.What he shared was what God has taught me to shape my mindset 20 years ago.Really encourage all kingdom circle to attend

From China Participant :

Today’s course has benefited so much, it just happens to be needed now. I really want to listen to it a few times more so that my heart can be transformed by the Lord more and live out the beauty of Jesus’ life! May God bless Pastor Xi Guang and all the co-workers. Thank you very much for your hard work!


From the domestic team: Today is very helpful to us. We really need to live on the earth according to Kingdom Culture and not just religious traditions. We have to live in abundance.

(Blessed Life) This book is a must-read for our discipleship training. The curriculum developed by the pastor is more refined and exciting. He enthusiastically teaches the truth and truth, which is very attractive!


Testimony from Hei Long Jiang: The grace is really great. I feel that I am struggling to deal with the problem and it will be solved at once. Everything is accepted, and the free gain must be freely communicated, becoming a channel for the flow of God’s grace, no more entanglement gains and losses, because He was completely satisfied in his grace and love. Through the class last night, God also healed a deep wound this morning, and the relationship with the Lord was restored again. I am really grateful, thank you! ! !